Who Am I?

Greetings!  The purpose of this questionnaire is for me to get an idea of who you are, your interests, your background, your educational skills and goals, and any concerns or questions you might have as you begin this course with me.  Please note that the Who Am I? Questionnaire is entirely optional and confidential.  Its only purpose is to assist me in getting to know you as an individual.  You do not have to answer any question you do not want to.  Your grade is not affected at all by whether or not or how you answer the questions.  I do ask, however, that you complete whatever questions you can so that I have a copy of this on file for you.  I destroy these questionnaires after the term is over (or the year, for year-long courses).

I provide two formats.  One is a pdf file, which you can download and print and fill in by hand.  The other is a Word file, which you can fill in by typing, if you desire.

Thank you for your participation.

Any questions?  Write me at!

The Who Am I? Questionnaire (pdf)

The Who Am I? Questionnaire (Word)