Welcome to the Assignment Resources Web Page

This page is maintained by Martha J. Bianco, Ph.D.  

Please drop me a line if a link is broken or you’d like to suggest an addition to this list.

© 2006-2008



Click on a link in the frame to the left to be taken to an assignment for Dr. Bianco’s classes. 




Be sure to review the Writing Checklist before proceeding with an exercise!


Here are some useful tools and resources, arranged alphabetically. 

You can also jump directly to:


Citation Resources:

Focus on MLA citation style; includes samples of papers

Community & Campus Resource List, including links to crisis lines, student interest groups, and religious organizations

How to

  • Make and insert an Excel graph
  • Make Word work for you
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Write an annotated bibliography
  • Write a research paper

Library Resources:

How to Use the Library

Resources for Teaching Writing


Reference Works, including online resources and books you should buy

Research and Study Guides
Writing Resources



links to free software and tutorials

“My Portland State”

for Current Students


Items are added frequently. 

Citation resources:


How to:


Library resources


Reference works:  These are the reference books that any college student should have:

Note: Wikipedia contributors self-regulate the quality and accuracy of the pages.  A lot of good info is here, but use with care.  And remember:  an encyclopedia is not an acceptable “scholarly source” for conducting academic research.


Research and study guides:


Software resources:

Downloads (FREE)



Free Software Tutorials for Office and Internet at GCF Global Learning (you need to become a member, which is free)


Writing resources: 

Resources for Teaching Writing